Last minute tax saving tips






Are you a business owner who wants to legally minimise your tax? Or perhaps you’re an individual who wishes to legally minimise your tax?  Our June edition of Tips and Traps (being our monthly newsletter) explored last-minute tax saving tips.

If you would like a copy that newsletter setting out those tax savings tips then please email

We have a thorough tax planning process to ensure clients avoid pitfalls and take advantage of any opportunity that is legally available. Our process is to:-

  • Review year-to-date numbers to the end of May.
  • Understand what may have happened or will happen during June.
  • Run through our seven page tax planning checklist.
  • Identify all opportunities.
  • Identify pitfalls that may require corrective action either now or shortly after year-end.
  • Set out our recommendations in a clear and concise report. That report also addresses the timing the future payments or refunds.
  • Discuss those recommendations with you in either a face to face or Skype meeting.

The end result to you is that you:-

  • Are left in the best position.
  • Have our advice presented to you in an understandable report (backed up with a discussion).
  • Know the timing of your future tax payments – and are not left with any shocks when the Tax Returns are finalised.

Today, our process and tax savings tips have saved our clients over $400,000.  This doesn’t take into account the value of other advice given throughout the year.

If you feel that your accountant is just filling in your Tax Returns and not looking after your long-term interests, then call Alex Stewart on 03 9899 7511. Our initial meeting is free of cost of obligation so you have nothing to lose (and maybe a lot to gain).

At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.