Monthly Archives: April 2020
JobKeeper payment bridging finance
There are a number of oddities about the JobKeeper system. Whilst designed to support businesses in stress retain their employees, it is a reimbursement system – it requires the employer to pay the employee first and then receive a reimbursement in the following month.
It particularly tough on those with a casual workforce where the average pay is under $1,500 per month. For a casual earning say $600pf, an employer must top it by $900 to $1,500 in order to qualify for a reimbursement. That is a very significant cash hit for a business that is already stressed! No wonder why so many businesses who registered interest haven’t enrolled into the system.
Following a fair amount of political pressure, the four major banks have been requested to provide bridging finance. They will not be giving money away; they will be assessing applications with a short term focus and presumably with some level of security.
As a side point, I have yet to hear of any business yet take out one of the government backed loans.
The four major banks (as well as the next tier of Westpac subsidiaries ) have set up dedicated JobKeeper support hotlines.
They can be contacted on the following numbers:-
CBA: 13 26 07
ANZ: 1800 571 123
Westpac: 1300 731 073 and Westpac’s subsidiaries;
– St George: 1300 730 196
– Bank of Melbourne: 1300 784 873
– Bank SA: 1300 669 472
They will of course not consider a bridging application without:-
Confirmation of JobKeeper entitlement, and
At a minimum a detailed cash flow projection, but also expect to be asked for forecast Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. That said, a business receiving JobKeeper will have to provide the ATO with projected turnover by the 7th day of every month.
Upcoming key JobKeeper dates
Well, we have got through the enrolment process. What a wild ride that was! Whilst many fundamental questions remain unresolved, at least we have more clarity than we had last week.
So we just wanted to update you on upcoming key JobKeeper dates.
Before doing so, we remind you that enrolments only opened on Monday 20th April. And registration prior to that was only of interest in the scheme. If you have not enrolled since 20th April, then you will receive nothing until you do so.
We noted that only some 500,000 out of the 800,000+ businesses that registered their interest in applying for JobKeeper had since enrolled as of last night. In other words, one in every businesses has not enrolled.
Why such a disparity? We reckon there would be four reasons:-
Some don’t realise they still need to enrol.
Many have found out that one way or the other, they are precluded from qualifying.
They don’t qualify yet.
They have a casual workforce and have chosen not to enrol and find they don’t qualify but have topped up casuals’ pays to $1,500 for which they don’t get reimbursed.
So what are the upcoming key JobKeeper dates?
4th May – identify all eligible employees AND notified all eligible employees and update them on process.
8th May – topped up eligible employees to $1,500pf (has been extended).
31st May – enrol to be able to claim for April JobKeeper fortnights (has been extended form last Sunday).
We welcome any question you may have.
JobKeeper tasks
So past, current and future JobKeeper tasks can be summarised as follows:-
Determined your turnover in accordance with the modified GST turnover definition.
Assessed yourself against any 9 of the testing periods (or 18 depending on accounting and GST recognition methods).
Assessed against alternative tests when a new business or abnormal period(s).
If you don’t qualify now based off months, monitor when you may apply.
Prepared a full and proper forecast where claiming for June quarter.
Determined eligible employees.
Determined eligible business participant.
Enrolled for JobKeeper.
Pay each eligible employee $1,500 within each JobKeeper fortnight. There is an extension to 30th April for the two fortnights ending 27th April.
Notify each employee that they will receive JobKeeper.
Amend your payroll system.
Consider changing your payroll periods.
Continue to report required information to the ATO.
If I can leave you three thoughts they would be:-
Don’t proceed unless you are 100% certain as to what you are doing, AND
This has been formulated and introduced in a hurry so be up to date with all the changes and clarifications, AND
To quote Donald Rumsfeld, be very mindful that there may be unknown unknowns.
Sanitiser offer
At Maggs Reid Stewart, we are always looking for ways to find customers for our clients. And here’s something of great interest to everyone (whether that be at home or for work) – SANITISER.
Not only can you easily buy something that we all need, but you will be supporting some fabulous causes.
Our client Geoff wishes to advise that:-
Barrs Lane Distillery, like most distilleries in Australia, has redirected their production to hand sanitiser during the COVID19 crisis. The Barrs Lane Distillery project is aimed at selling enough to cover costs and donating the rest to emergency service organisations and community care groups. To date, local police stations, neighbourhood houses, women’s domestic violence refuges, child care centres and outreach support services have received free hand sanitiser through this project.
The sanitiser is 70% ethanol, killing 99.99% of bacteria. It is a liquid, so it can be used as a hand rub and in a spray bottle as a surface spray.
To help the donations continue, buy a 250ml bottle for $20 or a 1 litre bottle for $80. Bulk orders can be delivered free. Available from Balwyn Podiatry or direct at

And don’t forget to ask Geoff about his normal product – and one which we all love – gin!
JobKeeper Business Participant Nomination form
The problem with the first stimulus package with its pay-as-you-go withholding relief (Cash Flow Boost) was that it excluded more than 75% of businesses in Australia.
This problem has been overcome with JobKeeper as it applies to not only employees, but business owners as well. JobKeeper allows a business participant, being either:-
a sole trader
a partner in a partnership
a beneficiary of trust, or
a director of the company
to be able to apply for the JobKeeper as well (subject to additional tests)
The form can be accessed or from the following link:-
You will note however that the form cannot be used by sole traders – sole traders have to register separately as per the shaded box in the top left-hand corner of the form.
We do not recommend filling this form or completing the enrolment process yourself without speaking to your accountant first as there are a number of traps and considerations which are not readily apparent. You also need to be aware that the whole regime is very fluid and far from finalised with some of the information from both the Tax Office and respected sources being incorrect or in dispute.
And please remember enrolments close on Sunday for the first two JobKeeper fortnight payments.
What to do about your Velocity points?
What to do about your Velocity points?
It’s a question many are asking!
Bianca Drieberg from MTA Travel (Mobile Travel Agents) has posted the following Facebook post as to how it stands now:-
Follow the page for latest updates or contact Bianca if you have questions –
JobKeeper Alternative Test
So we FINALLY have the JobKeeper Alternative Test!
About time! So many people who hanging in day by day so it’s quite unbelievable that it gets released only on the morning of Thursday 23rd April.
Finally new fledgling business can ascertain whether they will receive JobKeeper (either for employees or themselves as a business participant). Or not; in which case many can finally decide whether they should hibernate, contract or close down.
So finally in the short time left before the registration test can we have a full and proper discussion and analysis of clients with new businesses.
If you want to read it, here it is:-
JobKeeper Employee Nomination form
This is the form to be completed by all employees:-
If you are enrolling yourself for JobKeeper:-
Please be aware that the ATO page has been crashing.
The ATO has yet to make provision for anyone wanting to apply on the basis of projected turnover for the June quarter (which is important for those who won’t qualify on the basis of the actual turnover for March or the projected turnover for April).
Make sure you understand the definition of turnover is a modified version of GST turnover.
That the ATO are yet to definitively clarify whether turnover should be measure don a cash or accrual basis.
New qualifying conditions have been “added today” to business participants that have NOT part of any discussion from some of the most reputable accounting sources in the country.
Whist this has been released in a rush and there are understandably teething problems, be very careful of making a mistake due to incorrect or outdated information.
Please return to our website for what we believe will be imminent release of the business participant enrolment form – they have to release it soon as business owners need to sign by Sunday!
JobKeeper registrations only open today
There is much to absorb and action. Moreover, JobKeeper registrations only open today.
If you are not registered by Sunday 26th, then you won’t be entitled to receive any JobKeeper payment for the first two JobKeeper fortnights.
There are no retrospective payments.
Yes registrations opened today. Registered already you say? No you haven’t – you have merely expressed interest.
To register you need to do so:-
Through your business portal.
Through your accountant’s business portal.
Manually for employers not reporting through STP (not recommended).
Want to know more – then enrol for our webinar today at 4pm
JobKeeper – can I claim and how do I claim?
Whilst many businesses cannot claim the PAYG withholding (wages tax) Cash Flow Boost, many more businesses will be able to claim JobKeeper. Under this stimuli, the government will pay to each qualifying business a flat $1,500 per employee per fortnight. I say business as the scheme is also open to non-employers such as sole traders, partner of a partnership, a beneficiary of trust and one director of a company. Even the first JobKeeper payment fortnight has already passed, the registration process will start next week. The window for that is effectively open for a very short period of time. Don’t register – no soup for you! On Monday, will run a webinar in which you will learn:-
LEARNING OBJECTIVE – by attending this webinar you will:-
Effectively we are giving all of this to you on a plate as this has all been built, collated, summarised and systematised on the back of hours attending technical webinars and reading the mountainous pile you can see in the photo below. |
Please click on the following link to register for the webinar at 4pm on Monday 20th April:-
Another webinar will be run if there is sufficient overflow. If you can’t attend Monday’s webinar then please action the following matter.
IMPORTANT – you need to register your interest with the ATO IMMEDIATELY if you have not done so already. This interest notification merely advises the ATO that you intend to claim; it is not in itself registration. To register your interest, please refer to our blog at:-
We remind you to keep referring to our web page for important daily blogs, tips and strategies.