Monthly Archives: September 2020
10 key actions to claim JobKeeper v2.1

JobKeeper as we know finishes on Sunday 27th Sep.
It is not automatic that current recipients will continue to receive this valuable government support. On the other hand, employers who did not qualify previously may now do so.
You now have just 9 days to be able to claim from Monday 28th September.
To claim for JobKeeper v2.1, you will need to have 10 key actions completed (and pronto):-
Have your accounting file up to date with correct GST allocations
Assess your decline turnover under the new definition of GST turnover
If you fail re-assess under newly set alternative tests
Work out which employees will qualify
Work out which of the two new rates apply to each employee
Issue and collect completed newly qualified employees with a JobKeeper Payment Employee Notification form
Advise employees what their rate will be
Register new employees
Attend to same process for eligible business participants
Update payroll system
If you want to know more, you can enrol in our free webinar which will be held at 5.30pm on Monday 28th September – to do so click here
We welcome any question you may have – please e-mail