Monthly Archives: January 2022
Why is planning so important?

Why is planning so important? No doubt you had numerous ideas over the summer break on ways you can improve your business in 2022. Don’t let that impetus and initiative slip away! The medium by which to bring those thoughts together and generate results is to bring everything together in a business plan.
And new year planning could not be more important given how covid affects us all.
Planning requires thought, analysis and decisions to be made in context of other factors and considerations (and not in isolation). Planning requires clear thinking, rather than knee-jerk reaction, and forces you to take a breath. It is no coincidence that those businesses that plan tend to be more successful. It is that focus that also ensures that key people work on the key tasks and aren’t consumed by dealing with what were really unimportant but neglected matters that have become urgent.
In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.
Dwight D Eisenhower
(And he should know as he was in charge of D-Day)
Some think it requires you to lock yourself away for days on end. It doesn’t. It will however take time as will the on-going reviews of performance. Planning gives you a roadmap and series of goals to measure yourself against. It also gives not clarity but also focus to your employees. Don’t lose those ideas you had! Set aside time to properly formulate a plan and put it into writing.
We have all the tools and experience to guide you through this process.
We also have the systems to both measure your success and hold you accountable in reaching your goals.
And what better way to identify key areas of focus for 2022 by attending our upcoming webinar – 7 key things to implement in 2022. You can register your place by clicking here.
A good plan is like a road map.
It shows the final destination and
usually the best way to get there.
H J Judd
SG super reminder

Friday 28th January is the end date for satisfying your Super Guarantee (SG) super obligations for the December 2021 quarter.
Please note that super clearing houses take up to 10 days to pass the money through to the super fund. It therefore means that processing and payment to the clearing should be made no later than this Friday.
And please make sure you have been calculating super at 10% since it increased on 1st July 2021.
SG super should never be paid late as late payments attract substantial interest and penalties. Furthermore, SG (and BAS) liabilities that remain unreported and unpaid after 3 months automatically become personal debts of directors.
We welcome any question you might have.