Monthly Archives: January 2023
Upcoming interest rate rises

It seems all the pundits are now predicting not only a rate rise next Tuesday of 0.25% but another 3 such rises during the year. For many newish homeowners, this means the base rate of 4.1% is well above the 2.5% interest stress test under which they gained their loan.
So what does this mean to your personally and/or your business?
One number I have heard is that there are 110,000 households in Melbourne suffering mortgage stress. And that is no surprise when you consider that the repayments on a $750,000 loan have already increased by $1,300 per month. And if they increase by another 1%, then those repayments will increase by a further $480 per month. It s scary to contemplate what that current number of 110,000 will grow to.
You can find out more and be given actions you can implement in our webinar tonight at 5:30. We will also explore 4 other key areas to plan and protect against in 2023.
You can book your place at
5 key actions in 2023

There are always challenges but we seem to currently have our fair share. We currently see 5 key actions required to navigate 2023.
The question is what are you going to do about them? Are you going to let them control you? Or are you going to protect yourself from them to ensure your business or yourself personally doesn’t suffer?
We see 5 risk areas to navigate in 2023:-
- Cyber crime & computer safety.
- Inflation.
- Interest rates (and cash flow).
- Technology.
- Protect personal wealth that is otherwise exposed.
The degree to which these 5 risks affect you may be different to others and may be one or two don’t affect you. But doing nothing is rarely the best option. We therefore encourage you to attend our upcoming webinar on Tuesday 31st January at 5:30 during which we explore these risks – and more importantly, the 5 keys actions you can implement in face of them.
You can reserve your place by clicking here.
And as we are passionate about helping small businesses, we welcome your extending this invitation to family, friends and business colleagues.

SG deadline reminder

I trust you had an enjoyable festive season – and back into it we go! So here is a quick SG deadline reminder.
Friday 27th January is the end date for satisfying your Super Guarantee (SG) super obligations for the December 2022 quarter.
Please make sure you do not confuse this obligation with the December quarter BAS. The December quarter BAS automatically has a one month extension to 28th February to all. There are no extensions for reporting and payment of SG super.
Please note that super clearing houses take up to 8 days to pass the money through to the super fund. It therefore means that processing and payment to the clearing should be made as soon as possible.
And please make sure you have been calculating super at 10.5% since it increased on 1st July 2022.
SG super should never be paid late as late payments attract substantial interest and penalties. Furthermore, SG (and BAS) liabilities that remain unreported and unpaid after 3 months automatically become personal debts of directors.
We also take this opportunity to remind you of the imminent migration to Single Touch Payroll 2 with its extra reporting requirements. Please do not hesitate if you would like an introduction to a payroll specialist.
We welcome any questions you might have.