2025/26 Federal Budget
I will begin by making the usual but important comment in that it must kept in mind that the Budget is just a series of announcements. Bills still have to be put before the House of Representatives and then passed by the Senate. Some bills may pass quickly. Others may take a while to pass
Timely reminder about unclaimed monies
Unclaimed monies is such an important but hidden sleeper that it is worth returning to this. We blogged on this 5 years ago when there was $1,100,000,000 of unclaimed monies in bank account, shares and life insurance. 2 years ago it had grown to $1,500,000,000 (we can’t find a more current number). How can I
Good news for bucket companies?
So is the Full Federal Court decision in Bendel’s case good news for bucket companies? We will have to wait and see as we will explain. The Full Federal Court has just handed down a 3-0 decision in favour of bucket companies (being companies that receive trust distributions). The judges’ decision ruled in favour of
Are you entitled to claim a government grant?
Are you entitled to claim a government grant? You may be more in luck than you think as there are currently 237 grants and programs available to Victorian businesses. Government grants and programs can broadly be categorised in two ways:- Those available to support new businesses. Those that target particular industries and activities. The support
February lodgement deadlines
With the Christmas holidays now behind us, we are now back in normal lodgement patterns. So here are the lodgement deadlines for February. Deadlines for the month of February 2025 are:- 7th – monthly Pay-roll Tax – January 2025 remuneration 21st – monthly BAS remitters – January 2025 BAS 21st – quarterly BAS lodgers with
SG super reminder
I trust you had an enjoyable festive season – but it is now time to focus on time critical obligations. So here is a quick Super Guarantee (SG) super deadline reminder. Tuesday 28th January is the end date for satisfying your SG super obligations for the December 2024 quarter. Please make sure you do not
Beware the new Vacant Residential Land Tax (VRLT)!
One of the state government’s many new taxes is the Vacant Residential Land Tax (VRLT). And it requires action no later than 15th January. So what is the VRLT? It is a tax imposed on residential properties not occupied for 6 months or more during the 2024 calendar year. Why you need to
Are you a share trader or share investor?
Are you a share trader or share investor? It’s an important distinction as it can make a world of difference. Both declare dividends as income (with a tax credit for any imputation/franking credits). However:- A share investor is assessed on realised gains (i.e. when a share is sold). Only 50% of the gain is assessed
National Scam Awareness Week
No doubt you have heard through multiple channels that it is National Scam Awareness Week. Some of the stories that have come out this week have been frightening. Perhaps the most alarming one was that the Commonwealth Bank stated that they are pulling down 50 fake web sites a week! One must be vigilant and
How can I claim car travel?
In order to claim car travel in your personal Tax Return:- You (or your partner) must own the car. You must have undertaken a trip for either your business or your employer. You can claim under two methods:- Log book, or Cents per kilometre Tip You can use a log book kept for three months