Analysing the stimulus packages
We’ve spent a great deal of time educating ourselves on the many initiatives within the two federal stimulus packages so we can explain them to our clients and employ strategies to keep their businesses alive and maximise any intended concession.
Ditto state based stimulus concessions.
So keep coming back to the web page as we will be blogging at least twice a day on stimulus initiatives as well as business survival suggestions . There will also be short videos and links to future webinars.
You can be assured that we will do whatever we can to help our clients, whether that be from home or the office (for as long as that may last).
We will also have a panel of trusted advisers to help you with your various needs such as IT, human resources, finance and even health and fitness.
In the meantime, we welcome any question you may have.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.