Reporting on segments and divisions
We had a meeting with a new client during the last week. We discussed tax matters of course. But what was of much greater importance and interest was the performance of the business.
Like most business owners, the owner wasn’t an accountant. Nor had they been trained in the features of their accounting software. Their previous accountant hadn’t discussed this with them. As it turns out, things that the new client wondered about were just a click away.
The three major software providers (MYOB, Reckon and Xero) are all remarkably cheap software for what they do. However, some have features the others don’t. In this case they already had the software that best reported on the segments/divisions within their business.
We have shown and will now train them on how to segment and report on the different sections of their business. We also went on to discuss the most appropriate way to allocate proportional overheads to each section so we can begin to understand the real return from each segment of the business.
Does your software report on what is important to your business? Are you using the features within the software that can better assist you to run your business? Or does you system only work for your accountant’s compliance needs and those of the Tax Office.
And are you using the best software for you?
At MRS, preparing a Tax Return is just part of what we do. It is not the end product. Our focus is helping you run a more successful business (and to protect yourself). We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can assist you in an obligation free one hour meeting. Give us a call – you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
Some good tax news at last – the government’s Innovation Statement
The Federal Government today released its Innovation Statement. Part of the overall package includes some attractive tax announcements.
There have been few favourable tax announcements over the last 7 years so I relish the opportunity to pass on these attractive and common sense intended reforms with you.
Of the announcements, there were 4 that would most likely apply to our collective client base:-
- The existing same business test will be relaxed. This test applies to companies who are trying to offset current year profits against past tax losses. The existing law is mean and unrealistic as it punishes a company from undertaking any form of new activity; at times it even punishes those companies barely tweaking their existing business model. It was announced today that companies will be able to enter into new business activities and transactions and do so without jeopardising the ability to offset past tax losses.
- Newly formed companies (not trusts) will be able to attract investors with a non-refundable 20% tax offset. The investors will be able to reduce their personal tax liability by the amount of this tax offset. And there are steak knives with this – there will also be a 10 year CGT exemption for investments held for at least 3 years.
- The existing insolvency laws will be relaxed for “risky projects.” Directors will be able to obtain a safe harbour from personal liability by appointing a “professional restructuring officer” who develops a plan to turn around a company in financial difficulty.
- The existing default bankruptcy period of 3years will be reduced to 12 months.
Please remember though that there are only announcements.
We await the fine print which will appear in bills to be put before parliament some time in 2016. We particularly await to see what if any announcements relate to those who are or would otherwise structure their operations through a discretionary or unit trust.
We welcome the opportunity to advise our clients as to how they may be able to utilise one or more of these announcements.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
Afraid of increasing prices?
Most business owners are.
It always amazes how many clients happily pay increased prices to their suppliers and give wage increases to their staff, yet either don’t pass on the full increase, do so in arrears or worse still, not at all. So they end up making less – and often working harder to make up the loss of profits.
We have some software that, amongst its other fabulous features, will calculate how many customers one would have to lose for a particular price rise and yet still make the same profit as before. Now it remains unknown just how many customers will be lost – but with this software, I can tell a client what the magic number is at which the business makes less than before.
There have been three common outcomes from using this software with clients:-
- They don’t lose as many clients as they first feared.
- They lose few if any of their better customers.
- The business performs a whole lot better, they worry less and they sleep better.
There is of course a process put in place to advise customers why prices are increasing. On occasions, it has even been initially tested on a group of customers.
One of the initial such sessions in which I used this with a client started with them saying they would lose half their customers if they increased their prices by 10% (their prices had been the same for 2 years). The calculated number was 42%. Less than 30 seconds after saying he would lose 50% of his customers, upon seeing that tolerable customer loss rate was 42%, he said categorically that he would lose nowhere near 42% of his customers. This is what replacing fear with probable fact does to the decision making process.
And what happened you ask – he lost barely any (and they were his worst customers anyway). And the result – the bottom line (after allowing for salaries, super and fringe benefits to the owners) tripled.
This is one of the many ways we help our clients to understand what can become of changing the key drivers in their business.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
The perils of discounting
I bought some fuel today and picked up a drink in the process. As I did so, I saw one of those usual attractive deals – only an extra $2 for a drink (costing around $3.25) when buying a sandwich for $5. The service station will have worked out this all out but it reminded how often small business owners get it wrong when discounting.
Take the situation of a firm which sells 10 items a day at $10. Their costs of sale are $50 (so their gross margin is 50%) and their overheads are $30. They make $20 profit a day.
Let’s say they offer a 20% discount. Their cost of sale will remain at $50 (unless they can arrange a better deal) so they are now breaking even as their gross/trading profit is the same as their overheads.
Many clients get this but not all do. However, what many clients fail to understand is how many more items they need to sell to make the same profit as before. The answer in this example is a 66.67% increase sales – they now need to sell 16.67 units a day up from 10. Or to put it more simply, if they sold 3 before, they now have to sell 5 just to hold their ground. Is that possible? May be it is, may be it isn’t.
The outcome of reducing prices in your business and the required increase in the number of transactions to make the same profit will depend on your margin, your cost structure and the level of discount. We can show you this number simply. With that knowledge, you can then make an informed decision. All too often, people don’t know the result of making such a change and walk into what was an avoidable disaster. Let us help you make an informed decision – in situations like this as well as many other scenarios whether they be quoting for work or responding to a customer’s’ request for a discount. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose as we don’t bill possible clients for their first meeting.
At times it is appropriate to discount such as with getting rid of dead stock. However, discounts are often a path to ruin. If you are going to discount, make sure you do so understanding the variables at hand and therefore the likely outcome.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
Avoidable disasters
Our March estate planning seminar was booked out.
As every client couldn’t attend, we passed on at that time a few vital considerations for everyone’s consideration. One issue was to ensure others know where your most recent will is located. Another one of those considerations was to make sure that someone knows your passwords. In today’s world, it is possible to have a minimal and at times even a non-existent paper trail. Unfortunately, we met with a widow during last week who is battling this very issue.
This can be a real issue with shares. The ATO might provide us with a list of (most) companies that have paid dividends. We will not though have the holder number which is required to sell shares for all holdings other than those sponsored by Chess. It can also be an issue for assets that don’t generate income. One client recently received a surprise to find out that they were the owner of real estate they didn’t know their late husband owned (he owned more than a baker’s dozen). It’s worth a bit so its lucky it came to light – otherwise it may well have become someone else’s under adverse possession laws.
The only thing I know for certainty about everybody is that we will all take a final breath. The only variable is when. The above two considerations are just two ways you can minimise the stress and financial loss for your intended beneficiaries.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
If only – part 1
We have just finished the 2015 financials for a client. They have had a good year. They know their industry well, move with change and make good decisions. But with our cutting edge analysis software, we have identified that:-
- For each day they reduce their stock turnover (i.e. days stock held before sell it), they will untie $959 of cash. So, if they reduce the days stock is held before it is sold by 10 days, then they will add $9,593 to the bank balance. $10,000 may not sound like much to most businesses but it is very important to a manufacturer who sells custom made product and which has high wages and rent to pay on time every time.
- Net profit increased but their gross margin fell. If they had obtained the best margin from the last 5 years then they would have made an extra $21,360 of net profit. I’m aware of one good and acceptable reason as to why their gross margin fell but isn’t it interesting to know things such as this so that proper informed decisions can be made – which traditional accounting systems nor most accountants don’t tell you.
- As they have grown, so too have their costs. Consequently, their break-even sales have risen. Moreover, we will tell them what their margin of safety has become (being how much their sales can fall at their current cost structure until they fall to a break-even situation). Interestingly, for a successful business, they can now only afford for their sales to fall by 15.8% before they start to lose money.
As I said, most accounting systems and accountants don’t tell you these important things. Now wonder most small and medium business owners scratch their head when trying to figure out what their cash and profit figures are what they are.
We will discuss those three matters (as well as many other matters) at our upcoming meeting with our client. Does your accountant help you measure and understand such things about your business? If not, the best decision you can make is to speak to us. Your first meeting is free so it won’t cost you anything. Your greatest cost may be stay with your existing accountant.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
WorkCover injury poster
There are a number of obligations under WorkCover.
One of the fundamental ones is to display the If you are injured at work poster which you can access at
If you are visited by a Victorian WorkCover official then they will most likely ask to see it – and you will be fined if you don’t have it displayed.
If you employ workers (and some types of contractors) interstate then you will also need to comply with that state or territory’s obligations (which can also be checked at the above web page link.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
Part 2 – your break even point
Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog on the need for business owners to understand their break-even point. Gordon Ramsay thinks it is critical to know; I couldn’t agree more.
The blog generated a fair bit of discussion and on the back of those conversations, I would like to explore one aspect in greater detail.
I stated that the break-even point to monitor is not the point at which one starts to make a profit but one which also includes a fair return for the effort, time, finance and risk that an owner invests in a business. This means that the expenses used in the break-even calculation should include the following items:-
- A market salary for the skills and time worked in the business. In this regard, we find that small and medium sized business owners don’t allow enough for the hours they work (being significantly more than a 40 hours week). We often find with new clients that they are earning a good income but working 20 more hours a week to do so.
- Interest on any loan account balance for monies owed by the business at say home loan rates. If you put money in a bank account, you would want to earn interest on it. If you lent it to someone you would want to earn interest on that loan. The real return on a business should therefore also include a fair return on the money loaned and invested in the business.
- Being in business carries risk. Some businesses carry low risks, others are quite significant including such thing as risk of bankruptcy and fines for non-compliance measured (often in the tens of thousands of dollars). If you invested in a risky investment, you would want a higher return. Likewise, your desired return from your business should reflect the risks taken.
The common problem is that what most businesses record as owner’s remuneration doesn’t reflect this real break-even number. This is because business owners pay what they can pay, sometimes underpay themselves and/or the results are skewed by tax decisions.
We have advanced software that will adjust the real numbers to either increase or decrease owner’s remuneration so that the business reports on its real numbers. And from that knowledge, proper decisions can be made. Why not talk to us about what your real break-even point is and the actions you can take to improve your situation.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
Which PAYG Instalment method is best for you?
PAYG Instalments are income tax payments paid during the year by companies, super funds and individuals. In respect of individuals, it is levied on income not taxed upon receipt with common examples being interest, dividends and trust distributions. It is not assessed on wages or capital gains.
With respect to PAYG Instalments, we usually prefer that clients use the instalment amount method. In the majority of cases, it will not result in an over-payment that can so often arise under the instalment rate method.
In some cases though, the % rate method may enable one to pay a lesser amount. If the instalment income is nil or negligible in the first couple of quarters or much less than the year before, then no or little tax will be paid. A significant payment will only be required at such time as income is received.
It is critical with PAYG Instalments (and indeed GST Instalments) that any downwards or indeed upwards variation be made cautiously. If a variation results in the instalments paid being 15% less than the actual liability then the ATO will issue a fine.
Please do not hesitate to call us should you wish to discuss your own situation.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.
Why you should use the GST instalment method
Being the start of another activity statement year, one can exercise the choice as to the method to be used to calculate GST and pay GST for the 2015/16 year.
We recommend that Option 3 GST Instalments be selected in most cases for those that lodge a quarterly BAS.
Option 3 (which is only offered to small businesses with turnover of less than $2,000,000) is far and away the best option in the majority of cases as:-
- It reduces our fees by our not having to prepare BAS’s or amend those prepared by clients (at the risk of being misunderstood, there are matters that only come to light when preparing annual financial statements and which require past BAS’s to be amended).
- One doesn’t have to amend BAS’s for where a tax invoice is not held by the time a BAS is lodged.
- If profits are increasing, then one’s GST net liability will also be increasing. The instalment will represent an under payment as the ATO advised instalment is based off the prior year’s lodged activity statements. In most cases, the shortfall is not payable until May of the following year so one receives an interest free loan from the ATO to pay any GST shortfall.
- If the instalment is too high, then it can be varied downwards (but best left until at least the second and preferably the third or fourth quarter when the year’s position becomes clearer).
Please contact us if the ATO have marked on your BAS that Option 3 is not available. This is often simply an ATO error and one that we can easily have rectified.
If Option 3 is adopted, then the ATO will issue an Annual GST Return at the end of the financial year. This form is used to net off the actual liability against the instalments paid. The form is required to be lodged by the time the Tax Return is lodged and by which time a shortfall is to be paid or a refund will be generated.
At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.