Posts Categorized: BAS and super obligations
June quarter employer obligations

There are a number of important employer obligations that you will need to satisfy by 28th July.
Whilst 28th July is the end date for paying the June quarter SG super, payments through clearing houses can take up to 6 to 10 days. We therefore recommend that you pay your June quarter super today if you have not done so already.
Those larger employers that are subject to Pay-roll Tax are due to certify the 2021/22 remuneration by 21st July. One needs to be careful as in addition to wages, salaries, commissions, directors fees, bonuses and so on, Pay-roll tax is also payable on:-
- Superannuation
- Some fringe benefits
- Payments to certain contractors (including some corporates).
Although you may have a WorkCover lodgement date as late as March next year, it would also be prudent to certify your 2021/22 WorkCover remuneration now.
We take this opportunity to remind you that 14th July was the due date for Single Touch Payroll finalisations (with extended dates for closely held employees).
We welcome any question you may have about these matters.
What are the new super limits?
So what are the new super limits that apply to this financial year and then from July 2022?
Please click here to access super limits about:-
- How much money can be put into super.
- How it is taxed whilst in the fund.
- Tax and limits on money being paid out of super.
Under the Corporations Law, the following are all personal advice:-
- Advising on whether you should make any form of contribution.
- Start or stop a pension.
- Whether to withdraw money as a pension or lump sum.
- Accountants are unable to provide such personal advice – that is unless they are otherwise licensed as a financial planner.
And it is with good reason this is so. Too often people decide upon a course of action for which they are unaware is not in their best interests, whether that be in the short or long term.
Furthermore, those with own self managed super fund can embark on a course of action which leads to either a fineable breach or restrict the amount of money that could otherwise be concessionally taxed.
How does the super co-contribution work?

Under the super co-contribution scheme, the government will contribute $1 for every $2 of personal contributions made by an employed or self employed person. The maximum government co-contribution is $500. So if you wish to target the full $500, you will need to contribute $1,000.
To be qualify, one must:-
- Be employed with their employer paying the compulsory SGC or be a self employed person running a business.
- Have 10% or more of one’s income coming from employment and/or a sole trader business.
- Be less than 71 at the end of the financial year.
- Have combined assessable income (that being income before deductions), Reportable Fringe Benefits (RFBA) and employer super contributions in excess of basic SGC amount (RESC) of less than $56,112.
- Have paid a non-deductible contribution into superannuation from after tax money by 30thJune 2022. This means the contribution must be made from a personal or joint bank account.
- Not be a temporary visa holder.
- Lodge a Tax Return for the year ending 30thJune 2022.
- The maximum co-contribution for a personal contribution of $1,000 is $500 if your combined assessable income is under $41,112. Thereafter it progressively reduces by 3.333 cents for every dollar in excess of $41,112. There is no entitlement if your combined assessable income exceeds $56,112.
- Not have contributed more than your non-concessional cap.
- Have a total super balance under the Transfer Balance Cap (between $1,600,000 and $1,700,000).
If you want to find out what you might be entitled to, click on the following link to the ATO’s calculator here
Other matters to note are:-
- One’s own contribution and that made by the government will be preserved. That is, one will not be able to access it until one retires or satisfies another condition of release.
- The ATO will deposit the co-contribution into one’s super account once they have reconciled one’s lodged 2022 Tax Return with the information provided by one’s super fund(s). Consequently, most co-contributions will not be credited until at least January 2023.
- If your super is with a public or employer superannuation fund, you will need to ensure they accept such contributions. You also need to obtain the appropriate form.
- You will need to make your contribution well before 30th June. For those with your own SMSF, your fund can only accept such a contribution if permitted by its trust deed. We will take no responsibility where a client does not consult with us beforehand.
What is best for you depends on your circumstances and take into account a large number of considerations.
You should therefore seek financial planning advice to ensure such a contribution will work as intended and is in your best overall interests.
How does the 2022 Federal Budget affect you?

So how does the 2022 Federal Budget affect you?
What do you stand to gain?
What do you stand to lose?
We have written our tips and traps newsletter as to how the 2022 Federal Budget affects the typical small & medium sized business as well as individuals.
You can access it by clicking on Budget 2022 Tips & Traps
In coming weeks we will be amending our pre year end planning checklist accordingly. We so look forward to the valuable process of ensuring clients take up all benefits and avoid any pitfalls.
Whilst we will be on the front foot proactively guiding our clients, we welcome any questions you may have.
2022 Federal Budget
Please find attached a briefing paper outlining the various announcements within the 2022 Federal Budget. This will shortly be followed by a more detailed tips and traps analysis.
It is important to remember that a Federal Budget is only a series of announcements. The announcements still await being passed into law even if the starting date was stated to be Tuesday night. That said, the fuel excise reduction legislation was passed yesterday.
Moreover, we have an election just weeks away and very possibly a change of government. Labor has already stated that they intend to hand down their own Budget later in the year should they win the election.
I take this opportunity to highlight what I believe are the 6 most important announcements that affect most clients. Not all of these may affect you personally and other announcements may, but these are the 6 with the widest impact:-
- Cost of living support through the $250 cost of living payment and the $420 increase in the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset.
- I must admit that even with low interest rates, I didn’t see this one coming given prevailing share and property prices – an extension of the 50% minimum pension reduction for the 2022/23 year.
- 20% extra deduction for small business expenditure on digital adoption expenditure.
- 20% extra deduction for skills and training expenditure.
- 50% reduction in the fuel excise tax for 6 months.
- Covid test expenses paid by employees and employers will be tax deductible and employers will not be subject to Fringe Benefits Tax.
And as far as I can read so far, there was no announcement as to another extension of the instant asset write-off. So this means that after 30th June 2023, small businesses will not be able to deduct in one year the full cost of any asset they buy; noting that cars are subject to a limit. It will be some time before supply chains revert to pre-covid norms, so best to start planning any asset purchase sooner rather than later. And remember, this means that any asset purchased must be installed ready for use before July 2023.
As I said, we will come back to you with a more detailed tips and traps analysis. In the meantime, I leave you to read the attached briefing paper and moreover welcome any questions you may have.
You can access our briefing paper by clicking here.
SG super reminder

Friday 28th January is the end date for satisfying your Super Guarantee (SG) super obligations for the December 2021 quarter.
Please note that super clearing houses take up to 10 days to pass the money through to the super fund. It therefore means that processing and payment to the clearing should be made no later than this Friday.
And please make sure you have been calculating super at 10% since it increased on 1st July 2021.
SG super should never be paid late as late payments attract substantial interest and penalties. Furthermore, SG (and BAS) liabilities that remain unreported and unpaid after 3 months automatically become personal debts of directors.
We welcome any question you might have.
The 5 key things to implement in 2022

Hard to be believe this year is almost over! It has been a tough year for many. But that said, the economy has performed surprisingly well, we have high vaccination rates and statements from our leaders that we are not going back into lockdown.
It seems as though we can relax over the Christmas break with a degree of calm.
The Christmas break is a great time to take a breath and re-asses your work and personal life.
But having started work on the back of the 1983 recession and worked through the ealry’90’s recession, not to mention the GFC, the 1997 Asian crisis and other such events, the effects of covid will play out for a couple of years yet. We are not out of the woods yet.
In light of the uncertain times that lie ahead, on Wednesday 12th January we will explore 5 key things to address and implement in 2022
- Re-evaluate how covid has changed your business and moreover how your business needs to adapt. In particular we will explore who is now your customer target base and how to find them.
- Amend your STP payroll reporting to not fall foul of Fair Work Australia obligations.
- Making a profit is the goal but the oxygen to a business is its cash flow. We will explore how to better manage and improve your cash flow.
- With a federal election looming, take up any advantage under existing tax laws.
- Being in business carries the risk of getting sued. We will examine key asset protection strategies to protect the wealth you have worked hard to generate and/or inherited.
You can reserve your place at this 45 minute webinar by clicking here
And as we are passionate about helping small business owners through these difficult times, we welcome your passing on this invitation to family, friend and business associates.
Important change to employer super obligations

An important new requirement took effect from 1st November 2021. Employers now need to complete an extra step in respect of super when taking on a new employee.
Back in 2005, the ATO introduced Choice of Super Fund rules. This was a positive change as it ensured employees had a choice as to where their super would be contributed to. This initiative limited employees having multiple accounts and therefore reduced extra costs and the opportunity for super to be lost. And arguably more importantly, it also ensured employees did not lose life insurance under super when changing jobs.
Where an employee did not exercise their choice then the super had to be made to a default fund. A default fund had to offer a minimum $50,000 in life insurance (hardly enough but better than nothing). The default fund was also specified in an award (hence the rise of the industry funds).
An improvement has been made to the choice system in light of technological advancements and the number of employees with multiple super accounts as a result of their not exercising choice.
So from 1st November, a system has been put in place to staple a super account to an employee. This means that the default fund choice will be replaced by employers having to contribute to a stapled super fund where no choice is exercised. It only applies to employees employed on or after 1st November 2021 (with one exception below).
How do you find an employees’ stapled super fund?
If a new employee has not exercised choice within 28 days of starting employment, then the employer must log on ATO online services and access the stapled super fund service. Apparently the stapled fund(s) will be listed on screen within minutes of completing a request.
We are not yet clear as to what employers without access to a computer or ATO online services are supposed to do (other than ask employees to complete and return the choice form within 28 days).
What if you contribute to a non-stapled super fund?
If an employer contributes into the default fund without checking for a stapled super fund, then that contribution will be subject to super guarantee charge. In other words, the contribution is disregarded AND another contribution has to be made (which is non-deductible and can easily be two to three times more costly).
Other words of warning
- Employers only have two months to contribute into a super fund after an employee has exercised their choice.
- If you received an employees choice before 1st November where they nominated the default fund but no contributions were made before 1st November, contributions must be made under the new stapled super fund requirements.
Want to know more?
Call us
SG super reminder
Thursday 28th October is the end date for satisfying Super Guarantee (SG) super obligations for the September 2021 quarter.
But as super clearing houses take up to 10 days to pass the money through to the super fund, it means that processing and payment to the clearing should be made no later than this Friday.
And please make sure you have been calculating super at 10% since it increased on 1st July 2021.
And being the start of a new financial year, we take the opportunity t remind you that SG super is payable on all forms of remuneration including:-
- Commissions.
- Bonuses (but see below).
- Directors’ fees and all other forms of remuneration to directors.
- Allowances (except where fully expended).
- Individual contractor paid mainly for their labour.
But excluding the following forms of remuneration:-
- Overtime.
- Reimbursements.
- Unused annual leave on termination.
- Remuneration of less than $450 in a month.
- Bonuses that are only in respect of overtime.
- Bonuses that are ex-gratia but have nothing to do with hours worked (harder to satisfy than what you might think).
- In respect of employees younger than 18.
- Employees carrying our duties of a private or domestic nature for less than 30 hours in a week (such as nannies).
- On quarterly remuneration greater than $58,920.
- Non-residents performing work for an Australian business outside Australia.
SGC super should never be paid late as late payments attract substantial interest and penalties. Furthermore, and SG (and BAS) liabilities that remain unreported and unpaid after 3 months automatically become personal debts of directors.
We welcome any question you might have.
Update on extended Victorian Gov covid support

Further details have come to hand about the Victorian government’s extended covid lockdown support. There are however a number of initiative extensions await clarification and/or legislation.
Commercial Tenancy Relief
We can now clarify that the extended system that will run to January 2022:-
At least half of any further rent reduction must be waived; no more than half of the rent reduction can be deferred.
From 28th July, landlords can only lock out tenants after receiving Victorian Small Business Council permission.
Licenced Hospitality Venue Fund
- In order to qualify a business must have both a liquor licence and a food certificate.
We will post further details when they come to hand.