21 tips about the new & improved instant asset write-off – part 1

In all my years as a business and tax advisor to small and medium businesses, there has never been a tax incentive that attracts as much interest as the instant asset write-off.

And now it has become even more attractive!

And what was to be until December a $150,000 limit for small businesses has now become a complete write of all equipment purchases for any business with turnover under $5 billion. 

In such difficult times as this, it can deliver even greater outcomes when combined with the carry back of company losses.

But before doing so, please ensure you have factored in the following 20 key considerations:-

  1. This concession originally only applied to the purchase of new assets.  However businesses with group turnover under $50 million can now deduct the cost of second hand assets.

  2. It does not apply to building or capital works nor software development pools or primary production assets.

  3. If your business sells expensive assets, this expanded concession should prove to be a major buying incentive for your customers; even more so if you offer funding solutions.  Ask us if you would like a worked example to use with your customers

  4. Only buy an asset if you need it. So, if a company registered for GST buys and asset for $11,000, it will get back $1,000 of GST and will have a tax deduction of $10,000. It will pay $2,600 less company income tax. It will still be $7,400 out of pocket. As tempting as this limit is, don’t get too carried away and buy assets that your cash flow cannot support.

  5. A tax deduction in the 2020/21 tax year will have a flow on effect as it will reduce the PAYG Instalments for 2021/22 and part way into 2022/23.

  6. An asset purchased in 2020/21 will also have a flow on effect for those small businesses paying GST under the instalment method. It will reduce the GST Instalments for 2021/22 and part way into 2022/23.

  7. Writing of large assets may be great for tax but can make your financials look ordinary, possibly disastrous to a current or future financier. For this reason, we now run two sets of depreciation schedules; one for tax and one for accounting / financial statements purposes. Effectively the tax rates are a nonsense and they should not make your financials misleading.

Please come back to this web page for a further 14 tips and traps.

We welcome any question you may have in the meantime.


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