Instant asset write-off tips – Part 3

So here are our last 6 tips and traps to deciding to whether it best to use the instant asset write-off to manage your tax and cash flows.
Before jumping in and buying an asset , please consider these additional considerations:-
You can only claim the business portion on an asset that is used both for business and privately – such as a car or lap-top. That said, one can deduct the whole cost of cars provided the Fringe Benefit Statutory Formula method.
If your business has current or carried forward losses in excess of your intended asset purchase(s), then your business will not gain any tax saving in this financial year.
Please refer to our earlier blog about using this concession to claim back company tax paid in respect of the 2019 and 2020 tax years. The results can be amazing!
Small businesses can also use this concession to deduct written down value of the depreciable (general pool) assets. As it was, a small business could write-off the carried forward written down value of assets at 1st July 2020 when less than $30,000.
It applies to tangible assets – ones you can touch. This write-off threshold does not apply to intangible assets such as web pages.
Beware of glitzy app based products as their rates tend to start above credit card rates. We can put you in contact with financiers who have access to the best deals.
With these 6 and the previous 14 common consideration, please don’t jump in and commit to an expensive asset without being absolutely assured of all of its consequences. We therefore welcome any question you have about the instant asset write-off.
Click here to read the first two sets of tips:-
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