Reasonable travel allowances

Getting receipts whilst travelling can be hard and at times bordering on next to impossible. Getting your employees to do so can be even more difficult.  Fortunately, the ATO recognises this and provides relief through what are called reasonable travel allowances.

One can claim travel expenses in one of two ways:-

  • Have your Company or Trust keep all receipts and claim the deduction in the entity’s Tax Return.
  • Have your Company or Trust pay you an amount no greater than the ATO set travel allowance.  This allowance will be deductible to your Company or Trust.  It will be income within your personal Income Tax Return against which you can claim an amount of not greater than the allowance without being required to substantiate it.  Being an allowance, it is to be included on a PAYG Payment Summary.

Reasonable travel rates are set for:-

  • Domestic travel – amounts in respect of overnight stays for accommodation, food & drink and incidentals.  These amounts vary for each major centre and high cost remote areas. 
  • Overseas travel – amounts for food & drink and incidentals (receipts must be kept for all accommodation).  Allowance rates vary for each country and the employee’s salary level.

The ATO have recently released the rates for 2017/18 in TD 2017/19 which you can access at

Please don’t hesitate to call if you would like to discuss how you may be able to benefit from using this system.

Finally, please always remember that an overseas travel claim is not deductible unless it is supported by a travel diary or record.  The same applies in respect of a domestic trip which is for 6 or more nights.

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At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.