What’s in the Budget for you?

What’s in the Budget for you? 

Probably significantly more than you think.

As what is now unfortunately the norm, there were plenty of pre-announcements before Budget night.  But there is much more to the Budget that was announced on Budget night or leading up to it.

In addition to some key business announcements (extension of loss carry back company rules and instant asset write-off) there were very welcome announcements to being able to getting more money into super.  Welcome I say as how can one provide for retirement with a contribution cap – which currently sists at $25,000 before being eroded by 15% tax, life insurance premiums and for some an extra 15% tax).

Also of note were the proposed changes to personal and self managed super fund residency rules.  I say welcome as the existing rules are quiet archaic in context of how people today live, work and travel – mind you we still aren’t going anywhere for a while with covid.

We will explore some of the key measures in our next survive and thrive webinar.  It will beheld at 5.30pm on Wednesday 2nd June and you can book here – https://tinyurl.com/reg0206

We will also flesh out some opportunities in upcoming blogs.

But having said all that, please keep in mind that:-

  • A Budget is only ever a series of announcements,

  • They still have to be legislated,

  • They may be changed slightly and

  • Many have start dates form July 2021 – and we may have a change of government before then.

Please though don’t hesitate to call us if you any questions.

At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.